Jim Palmer #450

Jim Palmer #450
Auction Price Totals

Prices by Grade

Grade Most Recent Price Average Price PSA Price Population POP Higher
GEM - MT 10 $828.89 $800.00 21
MINT 9 $158.50 $135.50 $115.00 191 21
NM - MT 8 $30.99 $35.84 $30.00 380 237
NM 7 $20.00 $15.00 124 629
EX - MT 6 $6.66 $8.25 90 757
EX 5 $5.13 50 852
VG - EX 4 $0.10 19 904
VG 3 8 923
GOOD 2 2 931
FR 1.5 1 933
PR 1 2 934
Auth 936
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