Rookie of the Year (1948-Present)

Number of
Required Items
Current Finest
Possible Set Rating
What an amazing set! It is filled with such great HOF rookies like Jackie Robinson, Pete Rose, Willie McCovey, Johnny Bench to name a few. Not only is it filled with the HOF'ers but it also has a nice mix of one-hit wonders, wasted talent and tragedies. Every player in this set has a story.

Notes: This set requires specific cards. There will be no additions or deletions to the list of cards required, which can be viewed on the Set Composition page.

All-Time Finest

Rank Set Name % Complete GPA Weighted GPA with Top
Pop Bonuses
Set Rating User
1 mcholke Rookie of the Year (1948-Present) 2022 95.45% 8.97 9.45 7.65
2 DJJ Roy Set 2007 2008 79.22% 8.13 R 8.40 7.35
3 Digicat's RoYs 77.27% 7.93 R 8.14 6.36
4 mclaneaz 98.70% 5.30 5.38 4.98
5 Rosie's Rookies of the Year 40.26% 6.38 6.39 3.89

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Current Finest

Rank Set Name % Complete GPA Weighted GPA with Top
Pop Bonuses
Set Rating User
1 mcholke Rookie of the Year (1948-Present) 2022 95.45% 8.97 9.45 7.65
2 mclaneaz 98.70% 5.30 5.38 4.98
3 Rosie's Rookies of the Year 40.26% 6.38 6.39 3.89
4 Spaz1518 72.08% 5.63 5.67 3.80
5 Kasper's Cards Baseball ROY 2009 46.10% 8.69 9.05 3.65
6 BigMike1979 45.45% 7.78 7.94 3.53
7 The McDonough MLB ROY Rookie Card Collection 58.44% 6.45 6.54 3.27
8 mhibbard 48.70% 6.85 7.00 2.90
9 sarcam71 33.12% 8.07 8.38 2.73
10 Gemint 28.57% 8.21 8.21 2.48
11 EM's ROY set 20.78% 8.81 9.09 2.13
12 GoJackets94 ROY Collection 24.03% 7.05 7.22 2.08
13 rmeisch 29.22% 8.08 8.38 1.96
14 mbsmax 24.03% 7.98 8.27 1.77
15 lrtsma 20.13% 6.16 6.31 1.77
16 Chris's Cards 17.53% 6.77 6.91 1.68
17 meatloaf213 29.87% 8.89 9.19 1.67
18 boberobinson 26.62% 7.31 7.44 1.54
19 Adamfowler1818 19.48% 6.65 6.69 1.30
20 JustGoingbyWalmart 19.48% 9.51 10.27 1.26

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