1998 Pokémon Japanese Gym

DescriptionCard NumberNM-MT 8MT 9GEM-MT 10
Misty's Tears (TRAINER) Shop with Affiliates80+150+500+
The Rocket's Trap-Holo Shop with Affiliates30+45+90+
Erika's Bulbasaur Shop with Affiliates150+125+500+
LT. Surge's Fearow-Holo Shop with Affiliates2230+75+175+
LT. Surge's Pikachu Shop with Affiliates2520+35+150+
Erika's Clefable-Holo Shop with Affiliates3645+75+150+
Brock's Ninetales-Holo Shop with Affiliates3845+75+175+
Erika's Vileplume-Holo Shop with Affiliates4540+60+150+
Misty's Golduck-Holo Shop with Affiliates5530+50+275+
Misty's Tentacruel-Holo Shop with Affiliates7335+50+125+
LT. Surge's Magneton-Holo Shop with Affiliates8235+60+150+
Rocket's Hitmonchan-Holo Shop with Affiliates10735+60+150+
Brock's Rhydon-Holo Shop with Affiliates11245+75+150+
Misty's Seadra-Holo Shop with Affiliates11725+50+150+
Rocket's Scyther-Holo Shop with Affiliates12350+100+325+
LT. Surge's Electabuzz-Holo Shop with Affiliates12530+50+125+
Misty's Gyarados-Holo Shop with Affiliates13065+100+250+
Rocket's Moltres-Holo Shop with Affiliates14660+100+225+
Erika's Dragonair-Holo Shop with Affiliates14840+80+250+
Notes about 1998 Pokémon Japanese Gym
The official price guide for PSA-certified collectibles
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