1909-1911 Colgan's Chips Stars of the Diamond (E254)

DescriptionPR 1Good 2VG 3VG-EX 4EX 5EX-MT 6NM 7NM-MT 8MT 9
Ed Abbaticchio Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Fred Abbott Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Bill Abstein (Pittsburg) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Bill Abstein (Jersey City) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Babe Adams Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Doc Adkins Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Joe Agler Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Dave Altizer (Cincinnati) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Dave Altizer (Minneapolis) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Nick Altrock Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Red Ames Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Jimmy Archer Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Jimmy Austin (New York) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Jimmy Austin (St. Louis) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Charlie Babb (Memphis) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Charlie Babb (Norfolk) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Baerwald Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Bill Bailey Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Home Run Baker (HOF) Shop with Affiliates816255075125200350750
Jack Barry Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Bill Bartley (curved letters) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Bill Bartley (horizontal letters) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Johnny Bates (Cincinnati) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Johnny Bates (Philadelphia, black letters) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Johnny Bates (Philadelphia, white letters) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Dick Bayless Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Ginger Beaumont (Boston) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Ginger Beaumont (Chicago) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Ginger Beaumont (St. Paul) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Beals Becker Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
George Bell Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Harry Bemis (Cleveland) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Harry Bemis (Columbus) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Heinie Berger (Cleveland) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Heinie Berger (Columbus) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Bob Bescher Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Beumiller Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Joe Birmingham Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Kitty Bransfield Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Roger Bresnahan (HOF) Shop with Affiliates816255075125200500750
Al Bridwell Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Lew Brockett Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Al Burch Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Burke (Ft. Wayne) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Burke (Indianapolis) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Donie Bush Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Bill Byers Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Howie Camnitz Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Charlie Carr (Indianapolis) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Charlie Carr (Utica) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Frank Chance (HOF) Shop with Affiliates816255075125200350750
Hal Chase Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Bill Clancy (Clancey) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Fred Clarke (Pittsburg) (HOF) Shop with Affiliates816255075125200300
Fred Clark (Pittsburgh) (HOF) Shop with Affiliates816255075125200350750
Tommy Clarke (Cincinnati) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Bill Clymer Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Ty Cobb (No Team on Uniform) (HOF) Shop with Affiliates551101752504006501,1001,8504,500
Ty Cobb (Team name on uniform) (HOF) Shop with Affiliates651302003005008001,3502,5006,000
Eddie Collins (HOF) Shop with Affiliates816255075125200350750
Bunk Congalton Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Wid Conroy Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Ernie Courtney Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Harry Coveleski (Cincinnati) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Harry Coveleski (Chattanooga) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Doc Crandall Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Gavvy Cravath Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Dode Criss Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Bill Dahlen Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Jake Daubert (Memphis) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Jake Daubert (Brooklyn) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Harry Davis (Philadelphia) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Davis (St. Paul) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Frank Delahanty Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Ray Demmett (Demmitt) (New York) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Ray Demmett (Demmitt) (Montreal) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Ray Demmett (Demmitt) (St. Louis) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Art Devlin Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Wild Bill Donovan Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Mickey Doolin (Doolan) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Patsy Dougherty Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Tom Downey Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Larry Doyle Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Jack Dunn Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Dick Eagan (Egan) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Kid Elberfield (Elberfeld) (Washington) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Kid Elberfield (Elberfeld) (New York) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Rube Ellis Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Clyde Engle (New York) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Clyde Engle (Boston) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Steve Evans (curved letters) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Steve Evans (horizontal letters) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Johnny Evers (HOF) Shop with Affiliates816255075125200350750
Cecil Ferguson Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Hobe Ferris Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Field Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Fitzgerald Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Patsy Flaherty (Kansas City) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Patsy Flaherty (Atlanta) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Jack Flater Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Elmer Flick (Cleveland) (HOF) Shop with Affiliates816255075125200350750
Elmer Flick (Toledo) (HOF) Shop with Affiliates816255075125200350750
James Freck (Frick, Toronto) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Jerry Freeman (photo actually Buck Freeman) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Art Fromme Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Larry Gardner (Boston) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Larry Gardner (New York) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Harry Gaspar Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Gus Getz (Boston) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Gus Getz (Indianapolis) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
George Gibson Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Moose Grimshaw (Toronto) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Moose Grimshaw (Louisville) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Ed Hahn Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
John Halla (Large Letters) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
John Halla (Small Letters) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Ed Hally (Holly) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Charlie Hanford Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Topsy Hartsel Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Roy Hartzell (St. Louis) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Roy Hartzell (New York) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Weldon Henley Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Harry Hinchman Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Solly Hofman Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Harry Hooper (National) (HOF) Shop with Affiliates816255075125200350750
Harry Hooper (American) (HOF) Shop with Affiliates816255075125200350750
Howard Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Johnny Hughes (no name in uniform) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Hughes (name and team name in uniform) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Rudy Hulswilt (St. Louis, name incorrect) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Rudy Hulswitt (St. Louis, name correct) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Rudy Hulswitt (Chattanooga) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
John Hummel Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
George Hunter Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Shoeless Joe Jackson Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Hugh Jennings (HOF) Shop with Affiliates816255075125200350750
Davy Jones Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Tom Jones Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Tim Jordon (Jordan, Atlanta) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Tim Jordon (Jordan, Louisville) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Addie Joss (HOF) Shop with Affiliates816255075125200350750
Al Kaiser Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Willie Keeler (HOF) Shop with Affiliates816255075125200350750
Joe Kelly (Kelley) Shop with Affiliates816255075125200350750
Bill Killefer Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Ed Killian (Detroit) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Ed Killian (Toronto) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Johnny Kling Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Otto Knabe Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Jack Knight Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Ed Konetchy Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Rube Kroh Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
James Lafitte Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Nap Lajoie (HOF) Shop with Affiliates918285585150225450900
Lakoff Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Frank Lange Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Frank Laporte (St. Louis) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Frank Laporte (New York) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Tommy Leach Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Jack Lelivelt Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Jack Lewis (Milwaukee) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Jack Lewis (Indianapolis) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Vive Lindaman (Boston) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Vive Lindaman (Louisville) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Vive Lindaman (Indianapolis) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Bris Lord Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Harry Lord (Boston) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Harry Lord (Chicago) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Bill Ludwig (Milwaukee) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Madden Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Nick Maddox Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Manser (Jersey City) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Manser (Rochester) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Rube Marquard (HOF) Shop with Affiliates816255075125200350750
Al Mattern Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Bill Matthews Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
George McBride Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
McCarthy Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
McConnell Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Moose McCormick Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Dan McGann Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Iron Man McGinnity (HOF) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Matty McIntyre (Detroit) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Matty McIntyre (Chicago) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Larry McLean Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Fred Merkle Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Merritt Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Meyer (Newark, name correct) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Meyer (Newark, name incorrect) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Chief Meyers (New York) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Clyde Milan Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Dots Miller Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Mike Mitchell Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Moran Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Bill Moriarty (Louisville) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Bill Moriarty (Omaha) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
George Moriarty Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
George Mullen (name incorrect) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
George Mullin (name correct) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Simmy Murch (Chattanooga) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Simmy Murch (Indianapolis) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Danny Murphy (Large Head) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Danny Murphy (Small Head) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Red Murray (New York, white letters) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Red Murray (New York, black letters) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Red Murray (St. Paul) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Billy Nattress Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Red Nelson (St. Louis) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Red Nelson (Toledo) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Rebel Oakes Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Fred Odwell Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
O'Rourke Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Al Orth (New York) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Al Orth (Indianapolis) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Fred Osborn Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Orval Overall Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Owens Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Fred Parent Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Dode Paskert (Cincinnati) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Dode Paskert (Philadelphia) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Heinie Peitz Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Bob Peterson Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Jake Pfeister Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Deacon Phillipe (Phillippe) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Ollie Pickering (Louisville) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Ollie Pickering (Minneapolis) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Ollie Pickering (Omaha) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Billy Purtell (Chicago) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Billy Purtell (Boston) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Bugs Raymond Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Pat Regan (Ragan) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Barney Reilly Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Duke Reilly (Reilley) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Ed Reulbach Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Claude Ritchey Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Lou Ritter Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Robinson Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Rock Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Jack Rowan (Cincinnati) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Jack Rowan (Philadelphia) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Nap Rucker Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Dick Rudolph (New York) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Dick Rudolph (Toronto) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Ryan Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Slim Sallee Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Bill Schardt (Birmingham) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Bill Schardt (Milwaukee) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Jimmy Scheckard (Sheckard) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
George Schirm (Birmingham) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
George Schirm (Buffalo) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Larry Schlafly Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Wildfire Schulte Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
James Seabaugh (looking to left, photo actually Julius Weisman) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
James Seabaugh (looking straight ahead, correct photo) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Selby Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Cy Seymour (New York) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Cy Seymour (Baltimore) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Hosea Siner Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
G. Smith Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Sid Smith (Atlanta) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Sid Smith (Buffalo) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Fred Snodgrass Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Bob Spade (Cincinnati) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Tully Sparks (Philadelphia) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Tully Sparks (Richmond) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Tris Speaker (National) (HOF) Shop with Affiliates918284575115200465900
Tris Speaker (American) (HOF) Shop with Affiliates9182845751152206001,000
Tubby Spencer Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Jake Stahl Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
John Stanberry (Stansbury) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Harry Steinfeldt Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
George Stone Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
George Stovall Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Gabby Street Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Sullivan (Louisville) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Sullivan (Omaha) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Ed Summers (no white in uniform) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Ed Summers (white in uniform) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Lee Tannehill Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Taylor Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Joe Tinker (HOF) Shop with Affiliates816255075125200350750
John Titus Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Terry Turner Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Bob Unglaub (Washington) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Bob Unglaub (Lincoln) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Rube Waddell (St. Louis) (HOF) Shop with Affiliates816255075125200350750
Rube Waddell (Minneapolis) (HOF) Shop with Affiliates816255075125200350750
Rube Waddell (Newark) (HOF) Shop with Affiliates816255075125200350750
Honus Wagner (Pittsburgh, curved) (HOF) Shop with Affiliates40+75+125+250+400+600+1,000+2,000+4,000
Honus Wagner (Pittsburg, horizontal) (HOF) Shop with Affiliates40+75+125+250+400+600+1,000+2,000+4,000
Wlker Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Waller Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Clarence Wauner (Wanner) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Julius Weisman (name correct) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Jack White (Buffalo) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Kirby White (Boston) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Julius Wiesman (Weisman) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Ed Willett Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Otto Williams (Indianapolis) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Otto Williams (Minneapolis) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Owen Wilson Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Hooks Wiltse Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Orville Woodruff (Indianapolis) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Orville Woodruff (Louisville) Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Woods Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Cy Young (HOF) Shop with Affiliates2345701101753005501,1502,500
Bill Zimerman Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250
Heinie Zimmerman Shop with Affiliates35812183055125250

Shop with Affiliates Complete Set (237):

Notes about 1909-1911 Colgan's Chips Stars of the Diamond (E254)
The official price guide for PSA-certified collectibles
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