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1953 Red Man Tobacco

The 1953 Red Man Tobacco card set consists of 52 cards, each measuring 3-1/2” by 4”. The 25 top players and one manager from each league comprised this issue. Each item featured a colorful, quality likeness of the respective ballplayer resting against a solid background, with his name, team name and biographical data appearing in a white block on the card front. The design was nearly identical to its debut 1952 issue, though the 1953 Red Man cards, include card numbers within the player biographical section, and the card backs are headlined “New for ’53” along with company advertising and one of two expiration dates: March 31 or May 31, 1954. The set is anchored by manager Casey Stengel and players Yogi Berra, Roy Campanella, Stan Musial, Phil Rizzuto, Pee Wee Reese, Duke Snider and Warren Spahn. Condition issues abound with the set, including the sensitive nature of the colored borders. As the large cards were sealed in plastic and affixed to the outside pouches of their tobacco product, handling wear and creasing is often problematic. Furthermore, each piece was originally issued with a ½” perforated tab along the bottom of the card, which was often haphazardly removed, resulting in further damage.

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