1912 Brown Background (T207)
The T207 Brown Background baseball series were distributed in 1907 via various tobacco brands, including Broadleaf, Cycle, Napoleon and Recruit. Consisting of 207 cards, each collectible measures 1-1/2” by 2-5/8” and features a distinct player portrayal (with the obvious brown background) framed by a thin white border with the athlete’s last name, the name his home team’s city and league identified within a small rectangle at the bottom edge. Card backs carry various tobacco advertisements. The keys to the set are also among most difficult pieces to secure in any grade: Irving Lewis, Lewis Lowdermilk, Ward Miller, Vic Saier and Lefty Tyler. The set is also anchored by Bert Adams, Rafael Almeida, Chief Bender, Max Carey, Frank Chance, Eddie Cicotte, Tom Downey, Harry Hooper, Walter Johnson, Bill McKechnie, Tris Speaker, Joe Tinker, Buck Weaver and Joe Wood. Variations include Jimmy Austin (shown with and without an insignia), and Irving Lewis (shown with and without an emblem on his sleeve). Cards bearing Broadleaf, Cycle and anonymous advertising backs are also the most difficult to obtain. Interestingly, the T207 set has polarized collectors for decades, with camps divided into strong respect and admiration for the pieces as tiny works of art versus total disinterest. A lack of key stars from the era, including Ty Cobb and Christy Mathewson, being among the reasons for the lack of enthusiasm.
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